
FT50期刊与UTD24期刊分别是英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)与美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 (UT Dallas)用以编制国际商学院排行榜的顶级商业期刊。

FT50期刊:即英国《金融时报》( Financial Times)在编制FT Research排行榜时使用的50本期刊。包括全球MBA、EMBA和在线MBA排行榜。2016年5月,英国《金融时报》对计入其研究排名的期刊进行了重新评估,最终被考虑的期刊数量由45本上升到50本(剔除4本,又增加9本)。

UTD24期刊:全称为UT/Dallas期刊,是美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(UT Dallas)的纳文金达尔管理学院(Naveen Jindal School of Management)在对全世界前100名商学院进行排名时使用的24本期刊。该院创建一个数据库,用以追踪24种主要商业期刊上发表的论文。 该数据库包含自1990年以来在这些期刊上发表的论文的标题和作者单位,该排名基于教师的总贡献,用以对全世界前100名商学院进行排名。

1 Academy of Management JournalYY
2 Academy of Management ReviewYY
3 Accounting, Organizations and SocietyY
4 Administrative Science QuarterlyYY
5 American Economic ReviewY
6 Contemporary Accounting ResearchY
7 EconometricaY
8 Entrepreneurship Theory and PracticeY
9 Harvard Business ReviewY
10 Human RelationsY
11 Human Resource ManagementY
12 Information Systems ResearchYY
13 Journal of Accounting and EconomicsYY
14 Journal of Accounting ResearchYY
15 Journal of Applied PsychologyY
16 Journal of Business EthicsY
17 Journal of Business VenturingY
18 Journal of Consumer PsychologyY
19 Journal of Consumer ResearchYY
20 Journal of FinanceYY
21 Journal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisY
22 Journal of Financial EconomicsYY
23 Journal of International Business StudiesYY
24 Journal of ManagementY
25 Journal of Management Information SystemsY
26 Journal of Management StudiesY
27 Journal of MarketingYY
28 Journal of Marketing ResearchYY
29 Journal of Operations ManagementYY
30 Journal of Political EconomyY
31 Journal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceY
32 Management ScienceYY
33 Manufacturing and Service Operations ManagementYY
34 Marketing ScienceY Y
35 MIS QuarterlyYY
36 Operations ResearchYY
37 Organization ScienceYY
38 Organization StudiesY
39 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesY
40 Production and Operations ManagementYY
41 Quarterly Journal of EconomicsY
42 Research PolicyY
43 Review of Accounting StudiesY
44 Review of Economic StudiesY
45 Review of FinanceY
46 Review of Financial StudiesYY
47 Sloan Management ReviewY
48 Strategic Entrepreneurship JournalY
49 Strategic Management JournalYY
50 The Accounting ReviewYY
51 INFORMS Journal on ComputingY

【声明】本文由 思谋资源组 发布,所涉及言论仅代表作者观点,若有侵权或违规信息,请联系我们处理。除非另有说明,可自由分享(转载)本文内容,但必须保持署名、涉及商业用途应获得原作者授权。
网址引用: 思谋资源组. FT50和UTD24期刊:国际商学院排名使用的顶级期刊目录. 思谋网. https://www.scmor.com/view/7442.
